Human Motion Blog

Welcome to our blog, a hub dedicated to the study of human motion for animators!.
This space aims to underline the vital role of motion study in animation. Whether it's digital 2D, hand-drawn, CGI 3D, or stop motion, understanding how the human body moves, even in everyday actions, is crucial to create engaging and exciting content.
From casual movements to dynamic actions, every nuance counts. There are no shortcuts to success. Every great animator has understood and incorporated this knowledge into their work. So, dive in, and explore the fascinating world of human motion!

LIFT Breakdown

Guest post Author: Jibril Sy. Jibril Sy is an illustrator and concept artist with a background in...

Jump Breakdown

Guest post Author: Jibril Sy. Jibril Sy is an illustrator and concept artist with a background in...

walk Breakdown

Guest post Author: Jibril Sy. Jibril Sy is an illustrator and concept artist with a background in...

Welcome to our Blog!

Animating with Authenticity: Mastering Human Locomotion Welcome to the first post of the Endless Re...